Der Landvogt
A game by Jonathan Klein, Kai Sprengart, and Niklas Heiler
You are the Landvogt, a rural lord of a small, medieval village. The goal of the game is to extend your village, supply your people, and finally building a mighty cathedral for the emperor. You have to set up production chains for building materials and food supplies, manage your workers, research new buildings, and supply the costly cathedral construction until it is finished.
Der Landvogt is a small city builder game that we developed in our free time. We don't try to compete with commercial games; instead we rather try to finish a small, but well playable game. We see Der Landvogt more as a little snack, a game in which you have seen everything in 1 or 2 hours, but that also entertained you during that time. However before playing it, you really should check out the manual, as this game is designed to be challenging and not to be won by itself.
We already have plenty of ideas how to extend this game. Until then we now present version 1.0 as a somewhat minimal but complete city builder game. Have fun trying it out, we would love to hear your feedback!
This awaits you:
- A freely explorable 3D world to build your village in.
- 12 different buildings, some of which you have to research first.
- Production chains for wood, stones, vegetables and bread.
- Animated stockpile and growth levels for fields and trees.
- 3D sound with unique effects for each building.
- An original soundtrack consisting of 5 pieces.
- Strict quarantine regulates for everyone (sadly this version does not have animated characters yet, but we are working on it!)
- Statistics of how fast you built the cathedral and how well you supplied your people.
- 1-2 hours of fun for the first play through (or 35 minutes, if you are really fast).
The Trailer:
A music video from the soundtrack which shows some scenes from the game:
The game soundtrack consists of 5 tracks with a total play time of about 20 minutes:
- To the top of the Tower (5:17)
- Where you are (3:02)
- Life begins (3:37)
- The fourth attempt (3:46)
- The calm inside of me (3:47)
You can listen to it online.
The manual describes basic controls, the economic system, and gives an overview of all available buildings and their stats. You should really read this before playing the game. (For now the manual is only available in German.)
Currently only a Windows version of the game is available. If someone wants to support us with Linux of MacOS builds, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Der Landvogt 1.0 (ca. 485 MB)
Media coverage
The website Replaying published an article about our game (in German):
For question, suggestions, or general feedback, you can drop us an E-Mail:
On Niks website he presents some of his other works: